Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Week 3 Day 2 Activity 1 - Through Careful Observation

For this activity we had to select one of the pictures and observe (look at) it closely.
On your blog, describe the painting in detail. Please give us lots of detail!

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Betty,

    Thanks for your description of this painting, it was really thoughtful and I like how much detail you’ve put in! Your poster is also really pretty - ka pai! It is one of those paintings that every time you look at it, you see something new! Ka pai on figuring out that it is kind of like a reflection.

    Do you enjoy doing art? I would say I am quite creative but I don’t do much art anymore. I used to when I was younger though as my Mum was an art teacher!

    Have a groovy day,
    Eliza :)
