Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Super Hero Reflection

Enlargement SuperHero Art 

What did you accomplish?
Trying to draw Wonder Woman by following the grid lines and by making accurate measurements.

Are you satisfied with your Super Hero enlargement? Why / Why not?
I’m pleased with my work because I tried hard to follow the grid lines to draw the body of Wonder Woman

 What did you find easy when you created your SuperHero enlargement?
 I found drawing the legs the easiest because they were faded in

 What did you find challenging when you were creating your SuperHero enlargement?
 I found drawing the hair and face challenging because I had to follow the grid lines for the hair which was really difficult.

 What do you need to work on?
The face and hands because they were really hard to follow on the grid

What would you change with your Super Hero enlargement?
The face because she looks like she’s evil.

What would you do next time to improve Super Hero Enlarged picture?
 I would want to improve on the face of my Wonder Woman because she looks really angry.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Sir Edmund Hillary Individual Writing

      Sir Edmund Hillary

Image result for sir edmund hillary
Sir Edmund Hillary climbed the highest mountain on the 29th May 1953 with his climbing companion Sherpa Tenzing Norgay. The New Zealand icon Sir Edmund Hillary was the first person to climb Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. For 5 hours they tackled rocks and ice faces until 11:00 am. For his bravery to climb Mount Everest and charity work he is now the on the 5 dollar note.

During the next fifty years Sir Edmund Hillary set trips on trackers and exhibitions. The Himalayan trust was then born. People from countries overseas donated money and material to the trust. On the opening of the school, forty students attend. There were many volunteer help that came from around the world.

The Sherpa required an airstrip but without roads it would be difficult to move the heavy machinery. One hundred Shapes cut down some bushies, dug out roots and leveled the land. The land was to rocky which would make to extremely hard to level the land.

Sir Edmund Hillary had went through some sadness in his life since his Louise and daughter Belinda aged sixteen died in a plane crash in 1975. But that did not stop this icon.

During the next thirty years Sir Edmund Hillary build 27 schools, 2 hospitals, 12 clinics, several bridges and an airstrip.

Heart Map Writing

I had a memorable time at my best friend’s birthday party.
My friends father picked up me and my friend Lila. It took
about 30 minutes to get to the party. There were people that
did our nails and hair. We played some games like Chinese
whisper and more.

We got to make our own glitter jar and put it in a small brown
bag. When I finished I realised I could have used every colour
and made it rainbow. I thought that the glitter jars were cute
because they were smaller than my pinkie. There were little
hangers on the lid of the jar and I was thinking that I could
make a necklace or a bracelet.

The people who came were me, lila, Salamasina’s cousin and
Salamsina’s friend. The cake was a big cheesecake. As I saw
the cake my mouth began to water. I loved every bit of the
party. For the nails my design was a purple background with
gems on top. We took some photos with the birthday girl and
we all got to keep one for ourselves.

As soon as the was about to be cut I just stared at it. When
I got my slice with candy on the slide I was happy. On the
table there was more candy and other treats. We played more
games. I never wanted to leave but I had to.

At least we got a goodie bag each and we got to choose
what we wanted. Salamasina’s mother took me back home
and we waved goodbye. It was the most memorable and fun
birthday party I’ve ever attended.

Information Report-On my Dad

Information Report on my Dad
By Betty

My Dad is an inspiration to me, as he is always there for me
when I need him. My Dad encourages me to do my best in
everything I do. My Dad is always happy and full of jokes.
He is respectable. Admasu is mostly happy and he enjoys life.

Adamsu was born on 29th November 1969. His birthplace was
in Gondor- Ethiopia. He has six siblings. Three sisters and
three brothers. His sisters are Adanech, Shashe and
Banchalem and his brothers are Belaynew, Mengstu and
Mulat. My Dad’s parents names are Haliu Birku and
Mebrat Stegaye.

My Dad worked several jobs such as a truck driver, a farmer
and a waiter. During the six week holidays my Dad works as
a farmer and on regular days he works as a waiter. Admasu
worked as a truck driver for 22 years.

Admasu went to Mecanceyesus High School and received
a mechanical certificate. My Dad never got to go to university
because there were no universities during that time but that
didn’t stop him from learning.

Personal Success
My Father has had a lot of personal success in his lifetime.
He has had five children and has been married for 25 years.
My father was proud to  see my eldest sister and my siblings
grow up. Admasu enjoys every bit of life. He met my mother
Yengus at a party in 1990. My Father came to New Zealand in
2014. He made a new life for himself in New Zealand,  where
he had to learn English and get a job. My Father got a job as a
waiter and tries to learn English when he has time.


I think my Dad is the ultimate unsung hero because he is
always there for me when I need him and he cares deeply
about my education. My Dad always tries to fix the TV when
it breaks and does his best to fix it when I want to watch TV.