Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Sir Edmund Hillary Individual Writing

      Sir Edmund Hillary

Image result for sir edmund hillary
Sir Edmund Hillary climbed the highest mountain on the 29th May 1953 with his climbing companion Sherpa Tenzing Norgay. The New Zealand icon Sir Edmund Hillary was the first person to climb Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. For 5 hours they tackled rocks and ice faces until 11:00 am. For his bravery to climb Mount Everest and charity work he is now the on the 5 dollar note.

During the next fifty years Sir Edmund Hillary set trips on trackers and exhibitions. The Himalayan trust was then born. People from countries overseas donated money and material to the trust. On the opening of the school, forty students attend. There were many volunteer help that came from around the world.

The Sherpa required an airstrip but without roads it would be difficult to move the heavy machinery. One hundred Shapes cut down some bushies, dug out roots and leveled the land. The land was to rocky which would make to extremely hard to level the land.

Sir Edmund Hillary had went through some sadness in his life since his Louise and daughter Belinda aged sixteen died in a plane crash in 1975. But that did not stop this icon.

During the next thirty years Sir Edmund Hillary build 27 schools, 2 hospitals, 12 clinics, several bridges and an airstrip.

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