Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Week 3 Day 4 Activity 2 - iMoko

For this activity we had to think about your own health and well-being (hauora). What do you, or those in your family, do to stay healthy?

 On your blog, share five things that you do to stay healthy and strong.

1 comment:

  1. Namaste Betty,

    My name is Eliza and I’m working as a blog commenter on the Summer Learning Journey this summer. Have you done the Summer Learning Journey before? I’m looking forward to reading your posts and the other bloggers' posts from the Ako Hiko cluster. If you want to know more about me, you can check out my blog!

    Thank you for completing week three, day four, activity two about what you do to keep yourself healthy and strong. I thought your poster was really eye-catching and I enjoyed reading the points you’ve given - it’s great to see you are doing all of these things!

    The things I do to keep strong and healthy is exercise (I love to run, box, and dance), eat really healthily (no sugar etc), and take breaks when my body tells me it needs to.

    What is your favourite form of exercise?

    Thanks for posting and have a fabulous day,
    Eliza :)
