Monday, January 20, 2020

Week 4 Day 5 Activity 2 - En Pointe

For this activity we had to choose your favourite inspirational quote. Create a text graphic using this quote.

On your blog, share your text graphic and underneath it, explain what it means to you.


  1. Hello Betty,
    Amazing inspirational quote. Are you having an amazing morning? I am. My sister and I went to a big open field, so we could drive our drone. It is also the last week of the Summer Learning Journey. You are, so close to the end. Just one more activity! I really like how you added a back round ad attributed it. Another thing I like is that you told us how it relates to you with the Summer Learning Journey. This also relates to the Summer Learning Journey for me. I felt like giving up and I kept going and here I am now. Maybe next time you could add who made this quote. Overall, this is a phenomenal blog post! Keep up the astonishing work!


  2. Kia Ora Betty

    WOW! You are so close to finish the Summer Learning Journey programme! You should be veru proud of yourself. I deffently am! I like the lovely poster you created. Well done on doing that! Maybe next time you add the person who created this wonderful quote. Otherwise, glorious blog post Betty!

    -Pao :)

  3. Hello Betty
    I like your post.
    I like the Quote to.
    Blog ya later

    -Neena :)

  4. Kia Ora Betty,

    Have you been enjoying the really hot weather that's been around recently? I hope you're having an awesome evening and making the most of the last days of the Summer Learning Journey!

    That is quite the quote I need in my life! That is absolutely incredible that this quote is actually relateable to you at a personal level. Do you know who wrote this? It can be a little tough when you have a lot of things to do and so you have less free time to learn and complete activities. Guess what? You're here on the second to last activity! Ka Pai for keeping at it, you're REALLY close to the end!

    The part that says 'think about why you held on so long' is such a motivational and inspiring phrase, don't you think? I really like this quote because I have also experienced times when I just wanted to give up. I remember when I was learning to ride my bike the first time, I was far from getting it right. I actually remember being out until after 9pm just practising because I decided that I was going to ride in a straight line that day: turns out I did! After that, I was so proud of myself and felt something that always made me smile :). Dedication is key, don't you agree?

    Do you live by any quote? Personally, I really like the quote by Audrey Hepburn: "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm Possible'". Have you ever heard of this one? It reminds me that whatever I want to do, can be done. Do you like quotes in general? I love them because they are small things that can impact huge things, that's so cool; don't you think?

    Keep up the extraordinary work Betty, I'm so excited for you to update!

    ~ Gargee :D

  5. Ata Mārie Betty,

    Thanks for sharing your favourite inspirational quote. I like that quote as it is super positive and gives people the motivation to not give up. I also love your explanation behind choosing this quote and why it is relatable for you. Thanks for being so open and honest about how you were feeling towards the end of the Summer Learning Journey, we are all so glad you held on and pushed through even when you didn’t feel like it. You have done an incredible job this summer Betty and we are really proud of you and what you have achieved!

    Here a few of my favourite quotes:

    “All there is now” - this always makes me feel relaxed and brings me back to the present because we can’t actually control anything other than our own reactions to people/events, so we may as well be as present in the current moment as much as we possibly can.

    “You are not your thoughts or feelings” - remembering this is always really helpful when I'm feeling anxious or stressed because although it feels like they are, our thoughts and feelings are not us - they disappear and if they were us then we would disappear too but we don’t!

    “If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” – Roald Dahl. I love this one because you really can tell from the outside if someone is positive and feeling happy on the inside, they have this sort of glow to them :)

    What do you think of these quotes?

    Have an awesome rest of your summer!
    Eliza :)
