Monday, January 13, 2020

Week 4 Day 4 Activity 2 - Try Your Own Tapa

For this activity we had to create our own tapa cloth design. You can draw your design on paper or using a drawing app.

On your blog, post an image (photo or screenshot) or your tapa design and describe what each part of your picture represents (means).


  1. Ola Betty

    Lovely blog post Betty. I very like the tapa design that you made. I see you have putted your time on making this amazing tapa design. Maybe next time you should add more information of what does each part of the tapa design means. Otherwise, Incredible blog post Betty.

    -Pao :)

  2. Ahiahi pai Betty,

    Thank you for sharing the tapa cloth you’ve made, it's really beautiful! I like how you’ve explained the different parts too, it made it more interesting and personal. Did you make it at school? What are your favourite types of flowers? Mine are hydrangeas and sunflowers :)

    Have a great day and keep up the awesome mahi!
    Eliza :)

  3. Good morning Betty,

    Have you been enjoying the nice weather recently? I'm so excited about this post - it seems like you put a lot of time into it!

    Your tapa cloth design is so exquisite! I really enjoyed reading about the parts of the tapa cloth, clearly a lot of thought and effort was needed. When you said 'nature makes me happy and brightens my life' I was so fascinated by how you made this so personal! Ka Pai for the awesome effort :)

    The parts that frame the flower in the middle looks like it would've taken some hard thinking, I was a little confused and dazzled by it at first! You are so good at art and I'm sure you took a long time; did it? Are you a fan of art? I don't think art is anywhere near the top of my list because of how difficult I find it! Do you consider art a talent? I personally do, because art is such a beautiful thing and you can draw anything!

    Well done for attributing your image!

    ~ Gargee
